Elly McLeanThe Weight Loss Code: The Secret to Lasting, Healthy Weight LossIf you've been struggling to find a lasting solution, it might be time to look beyond 'one size fits all' diets.
Elly McLeanDoes Your Metabolism Need an Overhaul?For sustainable and healthy fat loss and fat burning there needs to be calorie restriction in the presence of a healthy metabolism.
Elly McLeanCounting Calories Does Not Equate to Fat Burning. In this article I take a step back and explain the science of calories.
Elly McLeanExcess Weight is a Symptom. What’s the Cause? Excess body fat is the symptom of a deeper health problem. For long term & healthy fat loss, focus on treating root cause.
Elly McLeanTalking Nutritionelly Episode 26: Understanding Calorie Balance With Elly McLean.I hope this empowers those with a strong history of calorie counting to look at things from a new perspective.
Elly McLeanReasons For Why You're Not Losing Body Fat If you've tried calorie restriction & progress is stagnant/non-existent then it's likely you haven't considered all the influencing factors.