Get up out of bed and head to the bathroom to wash your hands, face and brush your teeth. Jump into the shower to wash your body and hair. Moisturise, spray your hair, put on some make up and spritz with perfume. Step out the door to car filled streets. Before even getting to work your body has been exposed to a plethora of chemicals. Chemicals and toxins that are inhaled and absorbed but that your body is working hard to protect you from - to detox from.
The Reality of Detox
The thing about detoxing that most people don’t consider is that you’re already doing it. Every minute of every day your body is doing its’ best to defend toxin build up. So, put expensive and unsustainable cleanses, retreats and detoxes aside, for most of us the focus really should be on how to best support the body’s various detoxification pathways every (!) single (!) day (!).
The Risks of Poor Detox
Every day the body is exposed to endogenous toxins (those being produced from chemical reactions taking place within our body) as well as exogenous toxins (the plethora of environmental toxins that we’re exposed to almost daily which include pharmaceuticals, dichloro-diphenyl-trichloroethane (DDT), other pesticides and parabens, including those in personal products listed above). The liver, kidney and digestive system share the load in managing detoxification. With exposure to excess toxins becoming more and more the norm, there’s risk of the load becoming too much, causing detoxification processes to become less efficient and for overload to eventuate. Conditions linked to environmental toxicity include but aren’t limited to:
Hormone disruption including thyroid disorders, female reproductive hormone imbalance and male and female reproductive disorders.
Metabolic conditions including obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia.
How to Support Detox
The good news is that through diet we can very much support the various detox processes required to avoid toxin build up. The bad news is that for many the time involved in preparing such foods and the knowledge in knowing what to have are limited. That’s why drinking a daily serve of Shine Greens is a great habit to make. For day-to-day support of the liver, kidney and gut it’s incredible - as you can see in this video.
I often prescribe individual ingredients within Shine Greens when toxin overload does appear, but at higher doses. Which is why I love that they appear in a dose appropriate for prevention and daily consumption* in Shine Greens.
I especially love its’ ability to:
Offset inflammation with the abundance of polyphenols and presence of turmeric which can mitigate the pro-inflammatory effects of toxins and prevent unnecessary damage,
Offset oxidative stress with ingredients such as spirulina, chlorella and the fruit extracts rich in vitamin C.
Support toxin elimination via the liver and kidney with the inclusion of milk thistle, parsley, asparagus, broccoli sprout and magnesium.
Support clearance via the gastrointestinal system with the presence of fibre (including prebiotics) and magnesium.
Support integrity of the gastrointestinal lining with prebiotics, probiotics and amino acids.
If you need help in addressing specific concerns including hormonal conditions such as PCOS or PMS, fertility challenges, metabolic associated conditions then I recommend one to one support. Feel welcome to book a Complimentary 15-minute Discovery Call to get started.
If you’re looking to optimise detox pathways and prevent any of these ailments appearing in future, then you might want to consider Shine Greens.
*Shine Green is food grade, not supplement or medicine, but if you’re pregnant, breast feeding or taking medication and have any concerns please consult with your health professional before taking Shine Greens.
Gore AC, Chappell VA, Fenton SE, et al. EDC-2: The Endocrine Society's Second Scientific Statement on Endocrine-Disrupting Chemicals. Endocr Rev. 2015;36(6):E1-E150. doi:10.1210/er.2015-1010
Giulivo M, Lopez de Alda M, Capri E, Barceló D. Human exposure to endocrine disrupting compounds: Their role in reproductive systems, metabolic syndrome and breast cancer. A review. Environ Res. 2016;151:251-264.
Hoffman JB, Hennig B. Protective influence of healthful nutrition on mechanisms of environmental pollutant toxicity and disease risks. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2017;1398(1):99-107. doi:10.1111/nyas.13365
